LTEX+ CLI is contained in LTEX+ LS. To use LTEX+ CLI, download and install LTEX+ LS first.


It is recommended to use the startup scripts bin/ltex-cli (Linux, Mac) and bin\ltex-cli.bat (Windows) to start LTEX+ CLI. These scripts are only part of the released versions (they are not contained in the source repository).

The startup scripts can be controlled by the following environment variables:

  • JAVA_HOME: Path to the directory of the Java distribution to use (contains bin, lib, and other subdirectories). If set, this overrides the included Java distribution when using a platform-dependent LTEX+ LS archive.
  • JAVA_OPTS: Java arguments to be fed to java (e.g., -Xmx1024m)

It is also possible to start LTEX+ CLI directly without the startup scripts (not recommended).

Command-Line Arguments

Any command-line arguments supplied to the startup scripts are processed by LTEX+ CLI itself. The possible arguments are as follows:

  • --client-configuration=<file>: Use the client configuration stored in the JSON file <file>. The format is nested JSON objects (e.g., {"latex": {"commands": ...}}). A flattened JSON object ({"latex.commands": ...}) is also allowed, and setting names may be prefixed by a top level named ltex (e.g., {"ltex.latex.commands": ...} is accepted as well).
  • -h, --help: Show help message and exit.
  • -V, --version: Print version information as JSON to the standard output and exit. The format is a JSON object with "java" and "ltex-ls-plus" keys and string values. A key may be missing if no information about the corresponding version could be retrieved.
  • <path> <path> ...: Required. Paths of files or directories to check. Directories are traversed recursively for supported file types. If - is given, standard input will be checked as plain text.

Instead of using the equals sign = to separate option names and values, it is also possible to use one or more spaces.

Exit Codes

  • 0: LTEX+ CLI exited successfully and no grammar/spelling errors were found.
  • 1: An exception was thrown during the execution of LTEX+ CLI.
  • 2: An invalid command-line argument was supplied to LTEX+ CLI.
  • 3: At least one grammar/spelling error was found.